为了对高速公路工程处治滑坡进行有效的监测与预警,以陕西省“渭南—玉山高速公路”和“铜川—旬邑高速公路”两个示范工程获得的滑坡治理和监测数据为基础,采用RIA/Java Script技术,基于Arc GIS Server平台,开发了高速公路滑坡监测预警系统,实现了对滑坡治理监测信息的系统管理、有效组织、空间查询和统计分析等功能;系统集成了线性回归预测模型、灰色预测模型GM(1,1)及不同工程处治类型(抗滑桩支挡结构和锚索框架支挡结构)滑坡预警模型,构建了预警预报判据,实现工程处治滑坡定性、定量相结合的综合预测预报和预警发布。本系统能为工程处治滑坡的稳定性分析与评价、滑坡监测与综合预警预报提供决策支持,对工程处治滑坡失稳造成的灾害进行及时的预测、预防,有效保障高速公路的运营安全。
In order to effectively monitor and early warning the landslide affected by highway engineering, the landslide control and monitoring data obtained from the two demonstration projects of “Weinan-Yushan Expressway” and “Tongchuan-Xunyi Expressway” in Shaanxi Province are used as the basis , Using RIA / Java Script technology, based on the Arc GIS Server platform, the highway landslide monitoring and early warning system has been developed to achieve the functions of system management, effective organization, spatial query and statistical analysis of landslide monitoring information; the system integrates linear regression Prediction model, gray forecasting model GM (1,1) and landslide warning model with different engineering treatment types (anti-slide pile retaining structure and anchor cable frame retaining structure), the early warning forecasting criterion is established to realize the qualitative and quantitative assessment of engineering landslide A combination of integrated forecasting and early warning release. The system can provide decision support for the stability analysis and evaluation of the landslide under construction, landslide monitoring and comprehensive early warning and forecasting, and prevent and effectively prevent the operation safety of expressway caused by the landslide instability caused by the project.