
来源 :中国高教研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxj8880430
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2015年全国高校高职教育科研论文统计分析发现,公办本科院校与公办高职高专发文规模相当,是高职教育科研的主力;民办机构与其他机构、特别是企业发文较少。国家示范性和骨干高职院校教育科研发文贡献度较高,但内部科研实力差距较大。规模较小的研究团队是目前高职教育科研的主要方向,高级和中级职称作者是高职教育研究的主要群体,发文量占据绝对优势,高职教育科研作者的多学科和跨专业特点较普通高教研究更为鲜明。从基金支持上看,高职教育科研的属地性比较明显。高职教育研究热点众多且较为宏观,分析结果反映政府政策向高职教育研究的传导存在滞后性,研究热点与政策热点不完全匹配。 According to the statistical analysis of research papers on higher vocational education in higher education in China in 2015, it is found that public universities and public higher vocational colleges have quite a large number of papers and are the main force of higher vocational education and scientific research. Private institutions and other institutions, especially enterprises, issue fewer articles. National demonstration and backbone higher vocational colleges have a higher contribution in educational research and development, but the gap in internal scientific research strength is relatively large. The smaller research team is currently the main direction of higher vocational education and research, senior and intermediate titles of the author is the main group of higher vocational education research, published volume occupies an absolute advantage, multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary features of higher vocational education and scientific research more common Higher education research more distinct. From the fund support point of view, higher vocational education and scientific research is more obvious. The research hotspots in higher vocational education are numerous and macroscopic. The analysis results show the lagging behind the transmission of government policies to higher vocational education research. The research hot spots and policy hot spots are not completely matched.
本文以速生杨木脲醛树脂强化材为研究对象,研究改性后强化材的饰面特性。测试3 种不同极性液体在试件表面的接触角,并计算表面自由能; 对不同增重率的杨木进行表面胶合质量检测