Preliminary investigation on the role of microorganisms in the production of phosphine

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xy_zhuo
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The relationships between the phosphine content and various microbial populations, activities of different enzymes were investigated firstly. The results indicated that the phosphine content of samples from various environments was positively related to total anaerobic microorganisms, organic phosphate compound-dissolving bacteria, denitrifying bacteria, and the activities of alkaline phosphatase and dehydrogenase, with correlation coefficients (R2) up to 0.93, 0.90, 0.69, 0.79, and 0.82, respectively. Results also showed that the phosphine content was not related to total aerobic microorganisms, inorganic phosphate compound-dissolving bacteria, sulfate-reducing bacteria, and the acidic phosphatase activity. Nutrients such as yeast extract and glucose were added, at a time and individually, to normal or autoclaved soil samples. The soil samples were inoculated with sulfate-reducing bacterial enrichments (SRB) and/or denitrifying bacterial enrichment (DNB). After incubation for one month at 30℃, the phosphane content of these samples was analyzed. The results indicated that the addition of glucose or yeast extract could greatly increase the phosphane content. Moreover, it was revealed that inoculation with SRB or DNB could also promote the formation of phosphine. The DNB, however, was more efficient in this regard. The highest phosphine content, about 5 times that of the control, was detected in the sample that was added with both glucose and yeast extract and inoculated with SRB and DNB simultaneously. SRB and DNB were enriched for several generations and the phosphane content of different generations was analyzed. Furthermore, SRB and DNB enrichments were inoculated into different media, in the beginning of enriching, the phosphane content was about the same for different enrichments, and differed more significantly as the enrichment process was carried further. In forth generation, the phosphane content of DNB enrichment was about 3 times of that of SRB enrichment, indicating that the inoculation of different enrichments into different media caused the variations of the phosphine content.The highest phosphine content was detected in the sample which was inoculated with DNb enrichment into the denitrifying medium without nitrate.It is inferred form these results that microorganisms play an important role in the production of phosphine in different environments.
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