下午1时,荻港的阿春鱼塘四周围满了观看的人群,其中有一百多个摄影发烧围着篝火吃鱼汤饭Bonfire adds a touch of warmth to the New Year Fish Soup Dinner. 友举着相机抢拍捕鱼镜头。鱼塘里渔民
浙江湖州荻港村,是一个具有千年历史的水乡古村落。四面环水,河港纵横。青堂瓦舍,临河而建的荻港自古就有“苕溪渔隐”之称,前人曾有诗句留影了往昔荻港的画面:“倚港结村落,荻苇满溪生。黄昏渔火光,不见一人行。 ”养鱼是当地百姓主要经济来源,古时就有“一家一户皆鱼塘,夫妻双双养鱼忙”的诗文,养鱼致富,耕读传家,长期以来形成深厚的农耕文化。
A big catch at a fishpond in Digang
Dancers wearing masks celebrate Spring Festival.
请大家好好品尝陈家菜!”原来这次鱼汤饭中还有声名 ,上好
桌案上放上猪头、鲤鱼、葱蒜、年糕、水果,点上蜡烛,燃起三炷清香。由徐董事长领衔的祭拜人员恭恭敬敬地叩头三拜。 —拜,祈祷来年风调雨顺;二拜,祝福全天下阖家欢乐;三拜,祈求来年渔业丰收。在祭拜礼仪中,渔民们欢欢喜喜迎接新一年的到来。
篝火熊熊燃烧,唱吧,跳吧,欢乐的人群围着篝火载歌载舞,一队队“鱼群”、“小虾”、“小蟹”,共26支队伍,200多 人依次唱着舞着。和着悠扬的“梦里水乡”音乐,人们跳起了摇船舞、捉鱼舞,唱起优美的水乡谣:
Village girls stage a performance.
By Zhang Ke, our staff reporter
Digang, a village specialized in fish farming since very ancient times, holds its annual grand Spring Festival celebrations on the af-ternoon of January 8, 2012 and the revelry goes all the way into the night.
Digang is a village in an area crisscrossed by rivers and dotted with ponds in northern Zhejiang. Fish farming has been the vil-lage’s economic pillar for at least a thousand years. In the ancient times, the lifestyle at Digang was simple and stable for centuries. A household took care of a few fishponds and people educated them-selves by studying classics. Those who came out well in imperial examinations got appointed to official positions. Those who did not stayed home and continued to take care of family fishponds.
The world-famous mulberry-dyke-fish-pond system of China was invented in Guangdong, a province in southern China, but it is in and around Digang that the system is well preserved and is about 6,700 hectares large, which is actually the largest and best-preserved mulberry-dyke-fish-pond system in China.
Digang has been rediscovered by scholars, poets, tourists, pho-tographers over the last 20 some years. In some people’s eye, the village is the best prototype of villages in the south of the Yangtze River Delta.
The first celebration of the big day takes place at Ah Chun fish-pond, a private business, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. More than 100 photographers are there to capture the harvest on their cameras. Dressed in one-piece rubber overalls, the fishermen wade into the pond and begin to pull in a big net. As the big net begins coming in, fish jump. Bystanders cheer and photographers click away. Smiling from ear to ear, a fisherman carries a big fish over to the photogra-phers. They click away madly.
The second celebration is a traditional village wedding. A group of people comes to the bride’s home to accompany her all the way to the bridegroom’s home. The procession is composed of a small band, a sedan chair carried by four men, red lanterns. The proces-sion goes through the village and arrives at the riverside where a
The women dragon-dance team at Digang Village is
ready to stage its biggest annual show.
carp-shaped boat is waiting. At the wedding, people see many tradi- At six o’clock in the evening, bonfires, which are placed in a row
tional household appliances. as long as 70 meters, are lit. After the director of the fish restaurant
The third celebration is a a gathering of calligraphers from makes a brief thank-you speech and the village’s dragon-dance team
Hangzhou, Huzhou and Jiaxing as well as village enthusiasts. They stages a noisy happy performance, the banquet begins. As it turns
write couplets for the Spring Festival as the lunar new year is the out that three of the chefs from Digang Fish Restaurant are disciples
time households across China put up new couplets. The couplets of Shi Qingsheng, a chef who cooked for Chen Guofu (1892-1951),
created on the spot are placed on the large bamboo plates leaning a high-ranking Kuomintang official. Chen was from Huzhou and
against walls. The large flat plates are vessels for silkworms to live his wife was a native of Digang. Shi worked for the Chen family for
in when the silkworm farming season starts in the spring. years. The chef not only trained disciples but also passed his recipes
The large square in front of Digang Fish Hotel serves as the ven- to them. The three chefs all work at Digang Fish Restaurant now. In
ue for musical performances staged by villagers and all the pieces July 2006, 14 descendents of the Chen family came to Digang Fish
are associated with fish farming. The tools from everyday work Restaurant to meet Qian Ronghua, one of the three disciples of Shi
such as buckets, harpoons, landing nets, miniature boats are all used Qingsheng. □
as percussion instruments. The
band has appeared in various tel-
evision programs. Digang boasts
about ten performance teams
such as dragon dance team, mar-
tial arts team, fan dance team,
and Peking Opera club.
The most attractive event that
day is the outdoor fish soup din-
ner that evening on the square.
In one corner of the square is a
large kitchen shed established
for the occasion. Chefs from
the Fish Restaurant are busy
preparing various fish dishes. It
turns out that the Spring Festi-
val is a time for fish harvest. A
household usually entertains its
neighbors and helps with a fish
soup dinner. The feast has been
a tradition for centuries. For that
evening, dozens of tables are set 水乡婚礼别开生面
A traditional wedding boat parades through the river network on its way to the bridegroom’s
up on the square.
下午1时,荻港的阿春鱼塘四周围满了观看的人群,其中有一百多个摄影发烧围着篝火吃鱼汤饭Bonfire adds a touch of warmth to the New Year Fish Soup Dinner. 友举着相机抢拍捕鱼镜头。鱼塘里渔民
浙江湖州荻港村,是一个具有千年历史的水乡古村落。四面环水,河港纵横。青堂瓦舍,临河而建的荻港自古就有“苕溪渔隐”之称,前人曾有诗句留影了往昔荻港的画面:“倚港结村落,荻苇满溪生。黄昏渔火光,不见一人行。 ”养鱼是当地百姓主要经济来源,古时就有“一家一户皆鱼塘,夫妻双双养鱼忙”的诗文,养鱼致富,耕读传家,长期以来形成深厚的农耕文化。
A big catch at a fishpond in Digang
Dancers wearing masks celebrate Spring Festival.
请大家好好品尝陈家菜!”原来这次鱼汤饭中还有声名 ,上好
桌案上放上猪头、鲤鱼、葱蒜、年糕、水果,点上蜡烛,燃起三炷清香。由徐董事长领衔的祭拜人员恭恭敬敬地叩头三拜。 —拜,祈祷来年风调雨顺;二拜,祝福全天下阖家欢乐;三拜,祈求来年渔业丰收。在祭拜礼仪中,渔民们欢欢喜喜迎接新一年的到来。
篝火熊熊燃烧,唱吧,跳吧,欢乐的人群围着篝火载歌载舞,一队队“鱼群”、“小虾”、“小蟹”,共26支队伍,200多 人依次唱着舞着。和着悠扬的“梦里水乡”音乐,人们跳起了摇船舞、捉鱼舞,唱起优美的水乡谣:
Village girls stage a performance.
By Zhang Ke, our staff reporter
Digang, a village specialized in fish farming since very ancient times, holds its annual grand Spring Festival celebrations on the af-ternoon of January 8, 2012 and the revelry goes all the way into the night.
Digang is a village in an area crisscrossed by rivers and dotted with ponds in northern Zhejiang. Fish farming has been the vil-lage’s economic pillar for at least a thousand years. In the ancient times, the lifestyle at Digang was simple and stable for centuries. A household took care of a few fishponds and people educated them-selves by studying classics. Those who came out well in imperial examinations got appointed to official positions. Those who did not stayed home and continued to take care of family fishponds.
The world-famous mulberry-dyke-fish-pond system of China was invented in Guangdong, a province in southern China, but it is in and around Digang that the system is well preserved and is about 6,700 hectares large, which is actually the largest and best-preserved mulberry-dyke-fish-pond system in China.
Digang has been rediscovered by scholars, poets, tourists, pho-tographers over the last 20 some years. In some people’s eye, the village is the best prototype of villages in the south of the Yangtze River Delta.
The first celebration of the big day takes place at Ah Chun fish-pond, a private business, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. More than 100 photographers are there to capture the harvest on their cameras. Dressed in one-piece rubber overalls, the fishermen wade into the pond and begin to pull in a big net. As the big net begins coming in, fish jump. Bystanders cheer and photographers click away. Smiling from ear to ear, a fisherman carries a big fish over to the photogra-phers. They click away madly.
The second celebration is a traditional village wedding. A group of people comes to the bride’s home to accompany her all the way to the bridegroom’s home. The procession is composed of a small band, a sedan chair carried by four men, red lanterns. The proces-sion goes through the village and arrives at the riverside where a
The women dragon-dance team at Digang Village is
ready to stage its biggest annual show.
carp-shaped boat is waiting. At the wedding, people see many tradi- At six o’clock in the evening, bonfires, which are placed in a row
tional household appliances. as long as 70 meters, are lit. After the director of the fish restaurant
The third celebration is a a gathering of calligraphers from makes a brief thank-you speech and the village’s dragon-dance team
Hangzhou, Huzhou and Jiaxing as well as village enthusiasts. They stages a noisy happy performance, the banquet begins. As it turns
write couplets for the Spring Festival as the lunar new year is the out that three of the chefs from Digang Fish Restaurant are disciples
time households across China put up new couplets. The couplets of Shi Qingsheng, a chef who cooked for Chen Guofu (1892-1951),
created on the spot are placed on the large bamboo plates leaning a high-ranking Kuomintang official. Chen was from Huzhou and
against walls. The large flat plates are vessels for silkworms to live his wife was a native of Digang. Shi worked for the Chen family for
in when the silkworm farming season starts in the spring. years. The chef not only trained disciples but also passed his recipes
The large square in front of Digang Fish Hotel serves as the ven- to them. The three chefs all work at Digang Fish Restaurant now. In
ue for musical performances staged by villagers and all the pieces July 2006, 14 descendents of the Chen family came to Digang Fish
are associated with fish farming. The tools from everyday work Restaurant to meet Qian Ronghua, one of the three disciples of Shi
such as buckets, harpoons, landing nets, miniature boats are all used Qingsheng. □
as percussion instruments. The
band has appeared in various tel-
evision programs. Digang boasts
about ten performance teams
such as dragon dance team, mar-
tial arts team, fan dance team,
and Peking Opera club.
The most attractive event that
day is the outdoor fish soup din-
ner that evening on the square.
In one corner of the square is a
large kitchen shed established
for the occasion. Chefs from
the Fish Restaurant are busy
preparing various fish dishes. It
turns out that the Spring Festi-
val is a time for fish harvest. A
household usually entertains its
neighbors and helps with a fish
soup dinner. The feast has been
a tradition for centuries. For that
evening, dozens of tables are set 水乡婚礼别开生面
A traditional wedding boat parades through the river network on its way to the bridegroom’s
up on the square.