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传统人物,是指在民间流传的故事中其形象为大众所熟悉的人物。根据古代神话故事和民间故事改编的动画片为数不少,这些故事中的人物都属于传统人物。由于文化差异、制作手段和目的的不同,同样的人物在不同的动画片中看起来也有很大差异。设计时要使人物形象满足剧情要求和人物性格设定,更要注意和传统人物形象的联系性。但是,传统人物形象设计也不能一味地拘泥于传统,脱离人物的性格和故事背景而设定。——题记 Traditional characters refer to people whose images are familiar to the public in the folk stories. According to the ancient myths and folk stories adapted from a large number of animations, the characters in these stories belong to the traditional characters. Due to differences in culture, means of production and purpose, the same characters also look very different in different animated films. Design should make the character meet the plot requirements and character set, but also pay attention to the contact with the traditional character image. However, the traditional character image design can not blindly adhere to the traditional, detached from the character and story setting. --Inscription
某石化企业的苯乙烯装置和乙苯脱氢装置都是用于生产苯乙烯单体的装置,产能分别为90 kt/a和100 kt/a。由于2套装置原料分配不合理,造成能源浪费,且直影响上下游物料平衡。通