【摘 要】
The global output of bamboo and rattan industry has reached 60 billion USD that involved over 50 producer countries,and China now accounts for 66%of the global
【出 处】
China Standardization
The global output of bamboo and rattan industry has reached 60 billion USD that involved over 50 producer countries,and China now accounts for 66%of the global market share.However,the existing challenges of different trade barriers and shortage of quality standards faced by the industry hampered the further development.Therefore,the establishment of ISO/TC 296 is of great significance for the upgrading of the industrial structure as well
The global output of bamboo and rattan industry has reached 60 billion USD that involved over 50 producer countries, and China now accounts for 66% of the global market share.However, the existing challenges of different trade barriers and shortage of quality standards faced by the industry hampered the further development. wherefore, the establishment of ISO / TC 296 is of great significance for the upgrading of the industrial structure as well
那晚,在一家知名广告公司做设计师的朋友告诉我,干这行两年了,从刚得到这份工作时的欣喜到如今越来越明显的疲惫,她已渐渐迷失了奋斗的方向。 我不解:“两年前,你的志向那么坚定,一定要在广告界找到立足之地,现在你已如愿,并且已有了一定的成绩,应该高兴才对啊。” 她的眼神很忧郁:“曾经非常喜欢设计这个专业,把这当梦想来追求。每次设计出好作品来,无论是否能得到实惠,都很有成就感,内心充实而愉悦。调进这个
你想知道某年某月某日是星期几吗?那么请用下面的公式 S=y-1+[(y-1)/4]-[(y-1)/100]+[(y-1)/400)+d (1)计算出S的值以后,再除以7。所得的余数r即为星期数(整除时为星期日)。
颁奖词 将导弹技术创造性地用于高楼灭火,攻克了世界性难题。领奖人:中国航天科工集团副总经理、党组成员魏毅寅 对于军工单位来讲,加强军民融合不仅是经济规模和效益提升的需要,也来源于企业发展的内生动力,迫切需要通过军民融合实现企业转型升级。作为中国最大的导弹武器装备制造商,中国航天科工集团公司(下称“航天科工”), 将航天发射技术成功应用于消防领域,解决了高层、超高层建筑消防难题,填补了世界空白。
一、SO_2催化氧化 1.取一瓷管(我们用易得的普通电工布线用瓷管,长约15厘米,外径2厘米),铁丝绕线后,在瓷管中部用V_2O_5和水调成浓浆涂刷,再通电干燥。外套一个较大的玻璃管
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Based on the introduction, evaluation and analy
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The tanker has been fully technical appraisal, pointed out that t