陈印田,这位河北省高院刑事审判庭的正处级审判员,连续13年在全省法院结案第一;11年竟完成了40年的工作量。跨世纪的2000年,他又以审结案件68件,判处罪犯158名的显赫业绩向党和人民交出一份满意的答卷 陈印田常说,我们刑事审判庭办理的案件大部分是死刑二
Chen Yintian, the Hebei Provincial High Court criminal courtroom division at the level of judges, for 13 consecutive years in the provincial court concluded the first; 11 years actually completed 40 years of workload. In 2000, he tried to conclude 68 cases and sentenced the outstanding achievements of 158 criminals to hand over a satisfactory answer to the party and the people. Chen Yan Tian Chang said that most of the cases handled by our criminal court are the death penalty II