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写音乐文章而风靡乐界、知识界,辛丰年很可能是改革开放以后的第一人。虽然后来也有人写,但辛丰年的独特地位和影响力,难以撼动。我想,可能有以下几方面的原因:辛丰年懂一定的乐理,但他的文章不摆谱,很少专业术语,深入浅出,娓娓道来,尤其受音乐爱好者和文化人士的欢迎和激赏。其次,辛丰年具有深厚的历史和文学功底,阅读广泛,他是将古典音乐放在历史和人文背景中的,所谓厚积薄发,常人难以企及。再次,最重要的是,辛丰年有真性情,对音乐怀有真挚淳朴的 Writing music articles and popular music industry, intellectuals, Xin Feng years is likely to be the first person after the reform and opening up. Although later was also written, but Xinfeng years of unique status and influence, hard to shake. I think, there may be the following reasons: Xinfeng years to understand some of the music, but his article is not the place to go, very few professional terminology, explain profound theories in simple language, explain right, especially by music lovers and cultural people welcome and appreciation. Second, Xin Fengnian has profound historical and literary skills and extensive reading. He places classic music in the historical and cultural backgrounds. The so-called profound knowledge is difficult to match with ordinary people. Again, the most important thing is that Xin Feng years of true nature, sincere and honest to the music
目的探讨含罗哌卡因的膨胀液在吸脂术中的有效性。方法选择2015年1月-2017年1月因下肢淋巴水肿择期行吸脂术60例,随机分为2组各30例,分别用2%利多卡因25 ml(L组)或0.75%罗哌卡