在北京以南120公里、天津以西108公里、保定西南62公里的地方,有一个小镇——白沟,它生产销售的箱包曾一度风靡全国,随之关于它的“黄、枪、丑”的新闻也传遍了全国,再以后人们就很少提到它了。几年沉寂之后,如今的白沟又梅开二度,以崭新的形象展现在世人面前,全国各地的客商又开始向这里汇集,新闻媒介的目光又开始向这里聚焦。 昙花一现的辉煌 白沟镇历史上就是个商品集散地。80年代初,改革开放的春风唤醒了白沟人压抑已久的潜在的商品经济意识,一时间白沟附近的农民几乎户户做箱包,人人从事经商活动,白沟很快变成了一个初具规模的箱包和小商品批发市场,以其低廉的价格优势吸
In a place about 120 kilometers south of Beijing, 108 kilometers west of Tianjin, and 62 kilometers southwest of Baoding, there is a small town – Baigou, which has once been popular in the country for its production and sales of bags. It is followed by “yellow, gun, and ugly”. The news was also spread throughout the country, and people rarely mentioned it later. After a few years of silence, the current Baigou has scored twice. It has been presented to the world with a new image. Merchants across the country have begun to gather here, and the media’s attention has begun to focus here. The short-lived glory Baigou town is a commodity distribution center in history. At the beginning of the 1980s, the spring breeze of reform and opening up awakened the potential economic consciousness of the Baigou people for a long time. For a time, farmers near Baigou made bags and bags. Everyone engaged in business activities and Baigou quickly became a The beginning of the scale of the luggage and small commodity wholesale market, with its low price advantage