成功者必然有其成功的特质。也许我们只具有其特质很少的一部分,甚至没有;但我们也要成功,那就只有避开成功者的光环,去模仿其足迹。 (一) 物资流通必然存在着地域差别。有些在本地习以为常,司空见惯的东西,在其他地区则可能珍贵无比。所以做一个有心人,会使你从中得益。 冬天腌渍的大白菜,煮熟晒干即成霉干菜。对种菜者而言,霉干菜贱如稻草。但香港气候炎热,食物极易腐烂变质。而霉干菜便于存放,且用其烧肉,清香爽口,
Winners must have the qualities of success. Maybe we only have a very small part of it, even without it. But if we want to succeed too, then we should only imitate the footsteps of the successful one and avoid it. (A) There must be geographical differences in the circulation of materials. Some things that are commonplace and commonplace in the locality can be very precious in other areas. So being a caring person will benefit you. Pickled cabbage in winter, cooked and dried into moldy dried vegetables. For growers, moldy vegetables are cheap like straw. However, Hong Kong has a hot climate and the food is perishable. The moldy dried vegetables easy to store, and use their roasted meat, fragrant and refreshing,