云南缉毒工作的主要情况及当前贩毒活动的特点云南省是一个多民族的边疆省份,与缅甸、越南、老挝三国接壤,国境线长4 060公里。其中,中缅边境1 997公里,中老边境710公里,中越边境1 353公里。80年代初期,在贩毒高额利润的诱惑下,国际贩毒势力开始将我国作为毒品过境的通道,云南又首当其冲。云南的毒品来自境外,对我威胁和危害最大的是缅北几股地方武装势力。云南省与缅甸有1 997公里的国境线,只有不到200公里由缅甸政府直接控制,其余绝大部分分别由克钦新民主军、克钦独立军、勐古保卫军、果敢同盟军、佤邦联
Major Anti-drug Enforcement Activities in Yunnan Province and Characteristics of Current Drug Trafficking Yunnan is a multi-ethnic border province bordering Myanmar, Vietnam and Laos on a border of 4,060 kilometers. Among them, the border between China and Myanmar is 1 997 kilometers, the border between China and the Laos is 710 kilometers, and the border between China and Vietnam is 1 353 kilometers. In the early 1980s, under the temptation of the high profits from drug trafficking, the international drug trafficking forces started to use our country as a channel for the drug transit. Yunnan was also the first to bear the brunt. Drugs in Yunnan come from outside China. The most threatening and harmful thing to me is the several armed militias in northern Myanmar. There are 1,197 km of border crossings between Yunnan and Myanmar. Only less than 200 km are under the direct control of the Burmese government, and most of the remaining are directly controlled by the Kinshasa Democrats, the Kachin Independence Army, the Mongol Defense Forces, the Braves and Allied Forces, confederation