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众所周知,在纷繁复杂的经济生活中,各种各样的合同起到了支撑大厦之椽柱的作用,而《合同法》也是我国现行法律中使用率最高、受众面最广的法律之一。在《合同法》颁布之初,最高人民法院制定了《关于适用〈中华人民共和国合同法〉若干问题的解释(一)》。经过近10年司法实践的检验,证明该解释完全符合审判实践需要。随着社会环境的变化、形势的发展,新情况新问题不断涌现。经过多方调查、深入研究、反复论证,在广泛征求社会各界意见的基础上,最高人民法院于2009年5月13日开始施行《关于适用〈中华人民共和国合同法〉若干问题的解释(二)》(以下简称新司法解释)。此司法解释是对《合同法》实施十年来和合同审判实践中出现的问题、遇到的难题的一次集中梳理和应对,具有十分重要的意义。 As we all know, in the complex economic life, various contracts play a role in supporting the rafters of the building, and the Contract Law is also one of the laws that have the highest utilization rate and the most extensive audience in our current law. At the very beginning of the promulgation of the Contract Law, the Supreme People’s Court formulated the Explanations (1) on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China. After nearly 10 years of judicial practice, the test proves that the explanation fully meets the needs of trial practice. With the changes in the social environment and the development of the situation, new situations and new problems are emerging. After various investigations, in-depth studies and repeated demonstrations, the Supreme People’s Court, starting from May 13, 2009, started to implement the Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China (No. 2) on the basis of extensive solicitation of opinions from all walks of life. (Hereinafter referred to as the new judicial interpretation). This judicial interpretation is of great significance to the centralized review and response to the problems and problems encountered in the practice of the Contract Law over the past 10 years and in the contract trial.
在泰国曼谷旧国会大厦展厅,陈列有皇室玩偶,供年幼的皇子、公主增强对民间的认识。有一组木雕:一老妇和一垂髻小儿对坐,两人四手相错叠合,老妇的拇指与食指,正轻轻地捏起小儿手背上的一坨“嫩肉”。看那老妇的嘴,似乎念念有词。哇!这不正是杭州人旧时的儿戏吗?配以的儿歌是:“哎呦哇,咋啥啦?蚊子苍蝇咬我啦。快快爬上来。”于是,最下面的一只手轮换到了上面,儿戏与儿歌继续。  这几乎是伴随过所有老杭州人幼时的儿戏
夏天到了,多吃一些种子,譬如萝卜土豆玉米,譬如黄豆绿豆赤豆,譬如生姜大蒜花生米。  在夏天之前,我们整个一生都在求索,都在“知道”。夏天到了,是不是可以允许我们无知,允许我们“不知道”。  想象一下你父亲的打渔,没那么复杂,一网下去,有就有,没有就没有。想象一下掷骰子,掷就是了,想多了没用,晃多了也没用。  吃种子,是因为向上。古人认为,凡种子,都是胚胎,都有一个向上萌发的功能。勃勃生机也好,蓬勃
重购浪潮使一大批保险巨人迅速产生,把一家保险企业做大并非难事,但做大了以后怎么办?是摆在扩张性企业面前的一道难题。 The wave of repurchases has led to the rapid em