Hierarchical space–time block codes signals classification using higher order cumulants

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nebula_0718
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An efficient method for blind classification of space–time block codes(STBCs) based on fourth-order cumulants is proposed for a single receiver antenna.This paper presents a model of received STBCs signals in multiple input single output(MISO) communication systems and applies the characteristics of coding matrices to derive analytical expressions for the fourth-order cumulants to be used as the basis of an algorithm.The fourth-order cumulants at various delay vectors present non-null values that depend on the transmitted STBCs.Tests of nullity are accomplished by hypothesis testing.The proposed algorithm avoids the need for a priori information of modulation scheme,channel coefficients,and noise power.Consequently,it is well suited for non-cooperative scenarios.Simulations show that this method performs well even at low signal-to-noise ratios(SNRs). An efficient method for blind classification of space-time block codes (STBCs) based on fourth-order cumulants is proposed for a single receiver antenna. This paper presents a model of received STBCs signals in multiple input single output (MISO) communication systems and applies the characteristics of coding matrices to derive analytical expressions for the fourth-order cumulants to be used as the basis of an algorithm. fourth-order cumulants at various delay vectors present non-null values ​​that depend on the transmitted STBCs.Tests of nullity are accomplished by hypothesis testing. The proposed algorithm avoids the need for a priori information of modulation scheme, channel coefficients, and noise power. Reconstructed, it is well suited for non-cooperative scenarios. simulations show that this method performs well even at low signal- to-noise ratios (SNRs).
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