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在民主政治的制度下,政府应当以对人民负责为基本职责,以责任为本位,通过一系列的法律、法规和政策建设,明确政府的性质、权限范围和行使规则,保障政府合法地使用权力,如果政府逾越权限或构成侵权,政府应承担相应的责任。这是现代民主政治对政府的要求,即责任政府理念。根据这一理念,各级政府及其行政官员,都必须根据宪法和法律规定履行各项职责,在行使权力的同时也承担相应的 Under the system of democratic politics, the government should take responsibility for the people as its basic responsibility and responsibility as its standard. Through a series of laws, regulations and policy construction, the government should clarify the nature of government, the scope of its authority and the rules of its exercise, and ensure that the government can use its power legally If the government overstepped or constituted infringement, the government should assume the corresponding responsibility. This is the modern democratic politics of the government’s request, that is, the concept of responsible government. According to this idea, all levels of government and their administrative officials must fulfill their respective duties and responsibilities in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and laws, exercise their powers and at the same time bear the corresponding
1 棚址选择 养肉鸡的大棚可以直接建在自家的冬闲责任田里。要选择地势开阔、通风良好、靠近水源、土质无污染、远离大道无噪音的地块。果园菜地、河滩荒坡都可利用。废弃的
[摘要] 计算机办公应用软件Excel教学中涉及实践上机的内容较多,采用传统教学方法学生很难把这部分内容应用到实际生活。本文针对Excel这部分内容论述了在教学过程中尝试使用“任务驱动”教学法的几点认识和体会。  [关键词] 任务驱动; 建构主义; Excel教学  doi : 10 . 3969 / j . issn . 1673 - 0194 . 2012 . 14. 080  [中圖分类号]