刑事诉讼中的代理,又称刑事诉讼代理,是指代理人根据法律规定或被代理人的委托,为维护被代理人的合法权益,代理被代理人参加刑事诉讼的行为。 刑事诉讼代理,是在刑事诉讼中进行的一种活动。我国《刑事诉讼法》对刑事诉讼代理制度并未有明确、完善的规定,在《律师暂行条例》中虽有律师担任自诉人、被害人的代理人的规定,但内容也较简单。实践证明,对有关刑事诉讼代理问题进行研究探讨,确立刑事诉讼代理制度,很有必要。本文意就刑事诉讼代理发表个人一些粗浅看法。 刑事诉讼中的代理,从其产生的根据来划分的,可分为法定代理和委托代理。从诉讼代理人的诉讼地位、代理人与被代理人之间的关系方面来划分,大致可分为四种:自诉人的诉讼代理人,被告人的诉讼代理人,被害人的诉讼代理人,附带民事诉讼的原告人和被告人的诉讼代理人。下面逐一分述。
Acting in criminal proceedings, also known as criminal prosecution, refers to the agent acting in accordance with the law or entrusted by the agent, in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the agent, representing the agent to participate in criminal proceedings. Acting as a criminal procedure is an activity carried out in criminal proceedings. Although China’s “Criminal Procedure Law” has no clear and comprehensive provisions on the criminal procedure agency system, although there are lawyers in the “Provisional Regulations on Lawyers” as the provisions of the private prosecutor and the victim’s agent, the content is relatively simple. Practice shows that it is necessary to study and discuss the issue of agency of criminal proceedings and establish the system of agency of criminal proceedings. This article intends to publish some personal opinions on behalf of criminal proceedings. Acting in criminal proceedings, divided from the basis of its production, can be divided into legal agency and agency. From the legal status of litigation agents, the relationship between agents and agents is divided into four categories: the litigant agent of the private prosecutor, the litigation agent of the defendant, the litigation agent of the victim, Plaintiff in civil action and defendant’s legal representative. The following one by one.