Since the 1990s, many countries in the world have reformed the annual budget management system and gradually introduced medium-term budget to make up for the deficiencies in the annual budget in terms of reflecting changes in revenue and expenditure, adjusting expenditure structure, controlling expenditure growth and coordinating the relationship between revenue and expenditure So as to achieve the sustainable development of fiscal and economic policies. At present, the preparation of the medium-term budget has become a common practice in many foreign countries, especially the OECD countries. The medium-term budget is also known as medium-term fiscal planning, a medium-term macroeconomic framework and a fiscal strategy or multi-annual budget. Based on the preparation of the annual budget, we anticipate the need for relevant policies and the development of the situation in a given period of time, work out the revenue and expenditure budgets for the next 3-5 years in sequence, and roll back the rolling budgeting method year after year.