病人女 23岁已婚因发热、胸痛6个月于1990年10月在地区人民医院诊为结核性胸膜炎,11月12日转本院。既往曾于同年10月中旬及11月初两次服R(0.3顿服),出现腹痛、恶心呕吐、皮肤搔痒及发热等症状。入院后以每日服H0.6、K1.0静脉滴注治疗,未有不适。12月6日晨5时30分,空腹试服R0.3,1小时后出现腹痛、恶心、剧烈呕吐、周身发麻、搔痒。7时肌注胃复安10mg未缓解,8时30分感寒战、胸闷,唇指发绀、四肢凉。检查:
Female patient 23 years old Married due to fever, chest pain for 6 months in October 1990 in the People’s Hospital of the People’s Republic of China diagnosed as tuberculous pleurisy, November 12 transfer to the hospital. Previously in mid-October and early November of the same year twice serving R (0.3 Dayton clothes), abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, itchy skin and fever and other symptoms. After admission to daily service H0.6, K1.0 intravenous infusion treatment, no discomfort. At 5:30 on December 6, fasting test clothes R0.3, 1 hour after abdominal pain, nausea, severe vomiting, whole body numbness, itching. 7:00 intramuscular injection of metoclopramide 10mg did not alleviate, 8:30 chills, chest tightness, cyanotic lips, cold limbs. an examination: