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当上红一方面军政治部主任的历史学家徐梦秋,安徽寿县人,1896年生,自小聪颖,记忆力特别好,用乡里私塾先生的话说,他生来就是“做学问读书的料”。徐梦秋在中学时代就喜欢阅读进步书籍、报刊,在安庆(当时的安徽省会)、芜湖参加过反帝爱国斗争和五四运动,他的思想受到科学民主精神的洗礼。1922年,徐梦秋怀着“济世救国”之志和弟弟徐梦周离开安徽家乡来到十里洋场的大上海,进入设在渔阳里7号的上海大学。这所社会大学为国民党和共产党联 When on the Red Army political director Xu Mengqiu on the one hand, Anhui Shouxian, born in 1896, since childhood, memory is particularly good, with the village private school as saying that he was born “to learn material” . Xu Mengqiu liked to read progressive books and periodicals in middle school. In Anqing (then Anhui Province), Wuhu participated in the anti-imperialist and patriotic struggle and the May 4th Movement. His thinking was baptized by the spirit of science and democracy. In 1922, Xu Mengqiu left Shanghai, the hometown of Anhui Province, and went to Shanghai, where he went to Shanghai to study at Shanghai University, located at No. 7 in Yuyang. This social university is the KMT and the Communist Party
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