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《庄子·养生主》首章云:“吾生也有涯,而知也无涯,以有涯而随无涯,殆已,已而为知者,殆而已矣。为善,无近名,为恶,无近刑。缘督以为经,可以保身,可以全生,可以养亲,可以尽年。”其中“缘督以为经”指的是“把遵循自然之理作为常法”。然而,笔者最近看到陈广忠先生在 “Zhuangzi health advocate” the first chapter of cloud: “my life is also career, and knows no boundaries, with the horizon and with no boundaries, perished already, but for the knowledge of those who are perilous. Evil, no near punishment. The edge of the Governor thought that the body can be self-preservation, you can be all-you-can-be-loved, you can do for years. ”. However, I recently saw Mr. Chen Guangzhong at