重楼为延龄草科(Trilliaceae)重楼属植物 Paris Palyhylla Smith var yunnanensis(FranCh)H-M 别名:蚤休、重蒌、七叶一枝花、紫河车、独脚莲。在医药上应用很广,滇南本草谓本品“味辛苦、微辣,性微寒,俗云:是疮不是疮,先用重蒌解毒汤。此乃外科之主药也。主治一切无名肿毒,攻各种疮毒痈疽发背最良,利小便”①。植物名实图考亦谓本品为“外科要药”该书并记载云南民间用重楼“治濕热瘴疟下痢”②。据我们了解,重楼又是我省一些重要成药的主要成分,因此进行重楼的化学成分研究,对弄清它在医药上
The building is Trillaceae family (Trilliaceae) Parisia palyhylla Smith var yunnanensis (FranCh) H-M Alias: 蚤 、 蒌, 蒌 蒌 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 、 、 、 。. Widely used in medicine, southern Fujian Materia Medica that this product is “taste hard, slightly spicy, slightly cold, popular cloud: is a sore is not a sore, first use the weight of detoxification soup. This is the main drug of surgery. Indications all unknown Swelling poison, attacking all kinds of sore phlegm, back hair, best urination and urination” 1. The name of the plant is also referred to as the “Surgical Medicine” book and records the use of the heavy-duty building in Yunnan to cure the hot and humid malaria. According to our understanding, the re-building is also a major component of some important medicines in our province. Therefore, the study of the chemical composition of the re-buildings is necessary to clarify that it is in medicine.