目的了解口腔科治疗操作所产生的气溶胶污染范围,制定防污染对策。方法采用平板沉降法,对使用中的口腔治疗台一定范围内的空气进行采样和检测,同时监测相关物体表面。结果连续3年共采样空气332份,细菌总数结果全部超标。以治疗台为中心点,由近及远设4个监测点距离为0.5 m、1 m、2 m和5 m,细菌总数平均分别为6 438、3 767、1 577和663 cfu/m3。相关监测点的物体表面细菌总数平均分别为2 248、1 317、763和153cfu/cm2。结论口腔科治疗室空气污染严重,主要是治疗台所产生的气溶胶污染。
Objective To understand the range of aerosol pollution caused by dental treatment and to develop anti-pollution measures. Methods The plate settlement method was used to sample and test the air in a certain range of the oral treatment units in use and to monitor the surface of related objects. The results of a total of 332 consecutive sampling air 332, the total number of bacteria exceeded all the results. The total number of bacteria was 6 438, 3 767, 1 577 and 663 cfu / m3, respectively. The treatment stations were the center and the distances from the four monitoring points near and far were 0.5 m, 1 m, 2 m and 5 m. The total number of bacteria on the surface of the object at the relevant monitoring points averaged 2 248, 1 317, 763 and 153 cfu / cm2, respectively. Conclusion Stomatology treatment room air pollution is serious, mainly aerosol pollution generated by the treatment station.