1985年2月联邦德国科技部部长 Heinz Riesenhuber 正式发布一项庞大的地学研究计划,即“联邦德国的大陆深钻计划”(简称 KTB)。计划的重点是进行超深钻研究,大致1988年开始,1994年结束。包括目前的筹备阶段,尤其是选点、勘测和接着的试验及评价阶段,这一计划共约15年。第一阶段为三年,结束时应证明深钻在技术上是可行的,可达到确定的科学目的和450百万西德马克(DM)的预算是足够的。
In February 1985, the German Federal Minister for Science and Technology Heinz Riesenhuber officially released a huge program of research in geology, namely “the German Federal Republic of Germany Deep Diamond Program” (KTB). The plan focuses on conducting ultra-deep drilling studies, beginning roughly in 1988 and ending in 1994. Including the current preparatory phase, in particular the selection of points, surveys and the subsequent testing and evaluation phase, which takes about 15 years. The first phase is three years and at the end of the day it should be demonstrated that deep drilling is technically feasible and that a budget of 450 million DM can be achieved for certain scientific purposes.