
来源 :福建信息技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pcfanzb
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9月8日上午,作为第十七届中国国际投资贸易洽谈会重要项目之一的“投资福建”教育项目对接洽谈会在福州温泉大饭店举行。福建信息职业技术学院与台湾大华科技大学在会上签署了“姊妹校”合作意向书。省委教育工委副书记、厅党组成员刘剑津,省教育厅对外合作处副处长廖德强,海峡两岸职业教育交流合作中心副主任陈金建,以及学院纪委书记游锋、副院长张华、教务处处长李宏达、院办副主任朱文宝和台湾大华科技大学副校长刘玉山、研发长杜凤棋等有关人员参加了此次会议。双方就教师学术交流、学科专业共建、师生赴台研修等问题进行了探讨,共同表达了增进交流,协同合作,力促海峡两岸职业教育发展的良好愿望。 On the morning of September 8, as the 17th China International Fair for Investment and Trade, one of the important projects of “Investment in Fujian” education project was held in Fuzhou Hotspring Hotel. Fujian Institute of Information Technology and Taiwan Dahua University of Science and Technology signed a “sister school” letter of intent at the meeting. Liu Jianjin, deputy secretary of the Provincial Education Commission, member of the Party Committee of the Provincial Department of Education, Li Deqiang, deputy director of the Foreign Cooperation Department of the Provincial Department of Education, Chen Jinjian, deputy director of the Vocational Education Exchange and Cooperation Center across the Taiwan Strait, and You Feng, secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Zhang Hua, Director Li Hongda, Zhu Wenbao, deputy director of the Institute, and Liu Yushan, vice chancellor of Taiwan’s Dahua University of Science and Technology, and other relevant personnel including Du Fengqi, chief research officer, attended the meeting. The two sides discussed issues such as academic exchange of teachers, co-construction of disciplines, and training of teachers and students in Taiwan. They jointly expressed their good wishes to promote exchanges, cooperation and co-operation and to promote the development of vocational education across the Taiwan Strait.
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