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仁怀市地处贵州省西北部,倚娄山而瞰乌江,临赤水而窥天府。全市幅员面积1785平方公里,辖19个乡镇404个村(居)委会,人口53万。1995年11月30日经国务院批准撤县设市,揭开了仁怀发展的新篇章。仁怀市有较大的经济开发潜力。主要农产品有:水稻、玉米、小麦、油菜、烤烟等;主要矿产资源有:煤、硫铁矿、铁矿以及高岭土、铜、铅、锌、石灰石、磷矿石等矿藏;主要水能资源有:赤水河、桐梓河等170条河溪,理论储量124万千瓦,可开发量52.4万千瓦。酒类生产是本市的优势,有得天独厚的酿酒条件。驰名世界的国酒茅台就产于我市茅台镇。境内旅游资源也极为丰富,目前正在创建以酒文化、红军长征路、盐运古道为主线的茅台国际旅游区。改革开放以来,特别是“八·五”期间,我市加大对农业的投入,同时寻找新的突破口,建立新的支柱产业,着力改善基础设施落后的状况,使仁怀经济与社会发展有显著的进步。——1994年全市国民生产总值实现8.64亿元,“八·五”期间年均递增19.86%;人均国民生产总值达1653元;农牧渔业总产值实现3.7亿元,八五期间年均递增4.04%;乡镇企业总产值实现3.48亿元,均 Renhuai City is located in the northwest of Guizhou Province, Yilu Hill overlook Wujiang, Pro Chishui peep Tianfu. The city covers an area of ​​1785 square kilometers, jurisdiction over 19 villages and towns 404 village (neighborhood) committee, population 530,000. November 30, 1995 approved by the State Council to withdraw from the county set up a city, opened a new chapter of Renhuai development. Renhuai City has greater potential for economic development. The main agricultural products are: rice, corn, wheat, rapeseed, flue-cured tobacco and other major mineral resources are: coal, pyrite, iron ore and kaolin, copper, lead, zinc, limestone, phosphate rock and other minerals; : Chishui River, Tongzi River and other 170 rivers, the theoretical reserves of 1,240,000 kilowatts, 524,000 kilowatts can be developed. Wine production is the city’s advantages, a unique brewing conditions. The world famous Maotai liquor produced in our city Maotai town. Domestic tourism resources are also extremely rich, is currently creating a wine culture, the Red Army’s Long March Road, Yantai Moutai as the main line of the Maotai International Tourism Zone. Since the reform and opening up, especially during the “August 5” period, the city stepped up its investment in agriculture while seeking new breakthroughs, establishing a new pillar industry, making efforts to improve the backward infrastructure and making Renhuai’s economy and society Significant progress has been made. - In 1994, the city’s GDP reached 864 million yuan, an average annual increase of 19.86% during the “August 5” period; the per capita gross national product reached 1,653 yuan; the total output value of farming, animal husbandry and fishery reached 370 million yuan, An average annual increase of 4.04%; total output value of township enterprises to achieve 348000000 yuan, all
各位代表: 按照中央的部署和省委的要求,省政府在深入进行经济和社会发展战略研究、广泛征求各方面意见的基础上,制定了《山东省国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要(草案
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在塞尔维亚,我比多尼·瓦尔伯格和乔丹·奈特都要出色,可是在美国,到现在人们还不知道应该如何来靠近我。我的母亲说,我应该像乔·艾弗里吉那样穿衣戴帽。 In Serbia I was