今年阳春三月,春寒料峭。沈阳军区工作组到吉林市船营区人武部检查工作时,却有一个意外的收获:区人武部的干部都争相介绍区委女书记刘惠燕的事迹。巾帼不让眉须,刘惠燕抓武装情有独钟,任现职五年,全区武装部的工作一年一个新台阶,一年一个大变样。这些倾注了她对国防事业全部的爱,她的故事就是一首绿色的诗篇。 抓好窗口建设 5月的北国江城,千树万树杏花开。船营区人武部以崭新美丽的姿容,敞开胸怀,迎接来自全地区的近百名军地领导者,在这里座谈。人们看到这现代化的声光控制作战指挥系统和先进的办公设施,无不感叹、留恋。然而,来去匆匆的人们也许只注
Spring and March this year, chill. When the Shenyang Military Region Working Group went to inspect the People’s Armed Forces in the shipping area of Jilin City, there was an unexpected gain: the cadres of the district armed forces and the armed forces of the district all vied with each other to introduce the deeds of Liu Huiyan, the secretary of the district party committee. Liu Huiyan grasps his fond soft feelings, assuming his current post for five years. The work of the armed forces in the region reaches a new stage every year, a major change every year. These devoted all her love of national defense, her story is a green poem. Do a good job of window construction May North River City, thousands of trees and trees apricot blossom. The shipyard district armed forces department with a new and beautiful appearance, open-minded, to greet nearly a hundred military leaders from all over the region, to discuss here. People see this modern sound and light control combat command system and advanced office facilities, all sigh, nostalgia. However, people who come and go in a hurry may only note