The Fidic terms, which have been referred to in the Bible of Civil Engineering Contracts, have drawn wide attention from the engineering construction community after the formal publication of the new FIDIC contract conditions and the FIDIC Contract Guide. The new version of FIDIC contract conditions, 1999 version 1 is a new version of the Fiddick terms, not a revision of the original contract conditions. The new version of Fiddick terms in accordance with the different project contracting and project management division of contract conditions, the structure of the contract neat and uniform, easy to standardized management, easy to adjust “assembly ” to adapt to various needs. The World Bank has decided that starting from 2003, all projects will adopt the FIDIC contract of 1999 version 1. The new FIDIC contract conditions apply to civil engineering, mechanical, electrical and other construction projects, divided into “construction contract conditions”, "production equipment and design -