好的品种是农业增产的内在因素,是农业生产中其他措施不可代替的重要生产资料。目前,黑龙江省大面积推广应用的水稻新品种,由于在栽培措施上没有完全配套,致使本身的增产潜力没有得到充分的发挥。1 存在的问题1.1 盲目相信优良的水稻品种选好优良的水稻品种不需要更多的投入就能获得较好的收成,但是每一个优良品种不同的栽培技术,有的农民认为优良的水稻品种是万能的,无论怎样种都应该高产;有的农民看见别人种什么品种,不顾自己的实际生产条件,同样种该品种;甚至有的农民购买了优良的水稻品种,不索取品种介绍,不阅读栽培方法,仍按传
A good breed is an inherent factor in increasing agricultural output and an important means of production that can not be replaced by other measures in agricultural production. At present, the large-scale popularization and application of new rice varieties in Heilongjiang Province has not been fully realized because of the lack of complete matching in the cultivation measures. 1 existing problems 1.1 Blind believe that good varieties of rice selection Good varieties of rice do not need more inputs will be able to get better harvest, but each of the fine varieties of different cultivation techniques, some farmers believe that good varieties of rice is All-purpose, no matter what kind of species should be high yield; some farmers see what kind of species other people, regardless of their actual production conditions, the same species; even some farmers to buy good varieties of rice, do not request introduction of varieties, do not read cultivation Method, still press pass