分析测试中的试验设计和优化方法 一、正交试验设计

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近年来,试验设计和优化方法越来越受到分析测试人员的注意。它是研究如何科学地安排试验,以最少的人力物力消耗取得更多的或更全面的分析信息。试验安排得好,事半功倍;反之,则事倍功半,甚至达不到预期的效果。目前试验设计和优化方法还没有象统计检验、方差分析、回归分析等统计方法那样受到人们应有的重视。为了引起大家对这一问题的注意,我们将在本刊陆续分专题向大家介绍分析测试中实用的试验设计和优化方法。总共分六个专题介绍:正交试验设计;正艾多项式回归设计;均匀设计;单纯形优化法;多因素试验优化方法和用信息参量作为优化的评价指标。我们期望这些专题将对大家的工作有所裨益。 In recent years, the experimental design and optimization methods are getting more and more attention from the analysis testers. It is to study how to arrange experiments scientifically to obtain more or more comprehensive analytical information with minimum human and material resources consumption. Test arrangements well, with less effort; the other hand, less effective, or even less than expected results. At present, the experimental design and optimization methods have not received the attention of people due to the statistical methods such as statistical test, analysis of variance and regression analysis. In order to arouse the attention of everyone on this issue, we will introduce in this issue we will introduce the practical experimental design and optimization methods in the analysis and testing. There are altogether six special presentations: Orthogonal Experimental Design; Zhengyi Polynomial Regression Design; Uniform Design; Simplex Optimization; Multifactorial Experiment Optimization Method and Information Parameters as Optimized Evaluation Index. We hope these topics will benefit everyone’s work.