【摘 要】
随着工业生产的迅速发展,伴随而来的工业尘毒危害日益严重,严重威胁着劳动者的健康。各种职业病发病率的不断增加,给国家、企业带来巨大的经济损失。从我省调查的情况看,这种巨大的经济损失主要表现在以下几点: 1、职业危害严重。据1986年统计,全省接触各种有害因素的职工,占全
With the rapid development of industrial production, the accompanying industrial dust poisoning is becoming more and more serious, posing a serious threat to the health of workers. The increasing incidence of various occupational diseases has brought tremendous economic losses to countries and enterprises. From the investigation of the situation in our province, this huge economic loss mainly in the following points: 1, serious occupational hazards. According to the statistics of 1986, the province’s workers exposed to various harmful factors accounted for the whole
China Huanqiu Contracting Engineering Corporation (HQCEC) was entirely merged, through gratuitous transfer of assets, into China National Petroleum Corporation
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最近北美市场出现一种可以替代镶钉轮胎使用的绿色翻新轮胎,刚一上市,就受到广大消费者的欢迎。 众所周知,普通轮胎在冰雪路面上行驶,其抓着力系数会大幅度下降。为保障行车安全,
Some concepts of virtual product are discussed. The key technologies of virtual fuel-pump development are in detail analysed, which include virtual fuel-pump pr