烹饪专业的刀工技能课教学长期以来未脱离“师傅带徒弟”的教学模 式,教法陈旧,缺乏有效地全面提高教学质量的训练方法和手段,故造成教学目 标不明确,教学过程随意性大,训练周期长,原材料投入过多的现象。为提高刀 工技能课教学质量,推动技能课的教学改革,在依据运动生理学、教育心理学理 论及数年的教学经验和教学实验的基础上,总结并介绍了模仿训练、持续训练、 间歇训练、重复训练、反馈训练等5种刀工技能训练方法以及训练方法的选用原 则和运用训练方法应注意的问题。
Cooking professional knife skills teaching has long been a “teacher with apprentice” teaching mode, the teaching method is outdated, the lack of effective and comprehensive training to improve the quality of teaching methods and tools, resulting in teaching objectives are not clear, the teaching process is arbitrary, Long training cycle, the phenomenon of excessive input of raw materials. In order to improve the teaching quality of knife skill class and promote the teaching reform of skill class, based on the theories of exercise physiology, educational psychology and several years of teaching experience and teaching experiment, this paper summarizes and introduces the simulation training, continuous training, intermittent training, Repeat training, feedback training and other five kinds of knife skills training methods and training methods of selection principles and the use of training methods should pay attention to the problem.