在太空艺术的终极理想中,所有地球人都是同一艘太空飞船的乘客。地球终于“脱单”了。1400光年外天鹅座的一个光点,标志着人类寻找“另一个地球”的里程碑式进展。但是如果按照开普勒—452b飞掠冥王星的速度(5.9万公里/小时)飞向这颗行星,需要大约3000万年才能抵达那里。幸亏我们还有太空艺术——几乎和现代天文学一样古老。早在17世纪,意大利画家多纳托·克莱提(Donato Creti)最早满足了人们对太
In the ultimate vision of space art, all Earth people are passengers of the same spacecraft. Earth finally “off single ” the. A light spot on Cygnus beyond 1400 light years marks a milestone in the search for “another Earth” for mankind. However, it would take about 30 million years to fly to Kepler-452b if it flew at Pluto (59,000 km / h). Fortunately, we still have space art - almost as old as modern astronomy. As early as the 17th century, the Italian painter Donato Creti was the first person to meet people too