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商业竞争的内涵,从硬件到软件,从商品质量到服务态度、服务方式正在渐次扩展。先进的销售方式被广泛应用,而货真价实、以诚待客的传统经营作风在新的经济环境中仍得到继承和发扬。广州市南方大厦股份集团参照国外新的营销模式,于去年8月8日首开货仓式销售的先河,在广州天河体育中心附近开了大陆第一家“广客隆”——大型货仓式批发零售自选商场。该商场占地面积2.5万平方米,营业面积2.3平方米,经营商品达7万多花色品种,座落在新旧城区的结合部,附近人口不算多,交通也不如市中心方便,并非是商业黄金地带。但“广客隆”天天门庭若市,日流4—5万人次光临购物,每月营业额都在1000万元以上,开业还不到一年,营业额已突破两亿元。深圳、北京、武汉等地也正在酝酿类似的商场。 “广客隆”在大陆独辟蹊径,一炮打响,其经营方式很有新意,不能不给商界以启示。 启示之一:形成鲜明经营特色。顾客进“广客隆”购物的最大特点是以零售方式购物,以批发方式结算。它既欢迎顾客零买,更鼓励顾客成批量地买,如购买某同一商品达5件以上,还可享 The connotation of commercial competition, from hardware to software, from product quality to service attitude, service is gradually expanding. Advanced sales methods are widely used, and genuine, sincere hospitality business management style in the new economic environment is still inherited and carried forward. Southern Building, Guangzhou City, shares of the Group with reference to the new marketing model, the first open warehouse in August 8 last year, the first sale of warehouses in Guangzhou Tianhe Sports Center opened near the mainland’s first “wide Ke Long” - large-scale warehouse Wholesale and retail options mall. The mall covers an area of ​​25,000 square meters, the business area of ​​2.3 square meters, operating more than 70,000 varieties of products, located in the old and new urban areas with the junction of the population is not too much traffic is not as convenient downtown, not commercial Golden zone. However, “Guangkelong” is crowded with people every day, daily flow of 4-5 million visits to shopping, the monthly turnover of 10 million yuan or more, opened less than a year, turnover has exceeded 200 million yuan. Shenzhen, Beijing, Wuhan and other places are also brewing similar shopping malls. “Guangkelong” unique in the mainland, an instant hit, its mode of operation is very innovative, can not but to the business community to enlightenment. One of the revelation: a distinct operating characteristics. Customers into the “Guangkelong” shopping is the most prominent feature of retail shopping, wholesale settlement. It not only welcome customers to buy, but also encourage customers to bulk purchase, such as the purchase of a same product up to 5 or more, but also enjoy
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