A New Army Carrying Forward Corporate Culture - An enterprise cable television station has emerged in our country. According to preliminary statistics, a total of 9,225 kilometers of cable television stations established by 44 enterprises in China have been built, with a total of 656,580 households, with an average of 93% of households and a population of 3,047,000. The cable television stations of various enterprises broadcast television programs of the Central Government and provincial stations in varying numbers, expanding the coverage rate of television in the central, provincial, and district stations, helping the public view television, optimistic television and enriching the contents of television programs. At present, there are 30 self-operated programs in 44 enterprises in the cable television stations and 14 in owning two or more programs. In 1988, they also handed out 187 news pieces and 15 feature films to China Central Television. They provided 1078 news stories and 78 feature films to the TV stations of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government with the adoption rates of 80-90% respectively. In recent years,