Laos: Making Every Effort to Serve as the Rotating Chair of ASEAN to Implement the Shared Vision (AS

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  “Laos and China are friendly neighbors linked by mountains and rivers and people of the two countries have co-existed in peace and harmony since ancient times.” During the interview with China-ASEAN Panorama Magazine, H.E. Mrs. Vandy Bouthasavong, the Ambassador of Lao PDR to China, spoke happily.
  Friendly relations and fruitful cooperation
  We all know that this year 2016 marks the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Laos and China, which is a significant event in the history of the bilateral relationship of the two countries. “To commemorate the event, the two sides have jointly celebrated this important occasion to reflect the friendly relations and fruitful cooperation between Laos and China that have been gradually widened and deepened in all aspects, bringing tangible and mutual benefits to the people of our two nations,” said Mrs. Vandy Bouthasavong.
  She further outlined the current economic and cooperation between the two sides, and introduced the future development directions of Laos and China. “As for Laos, especially many provinces in the northern part of the country, has given importance to promoting and developing economic and trade relations and cooperation with China. The bilateral trade and investment between Laos and China have increased remarkably. In 2015 bilateral trade volume reached US$ 2.78 billion and Chinese investment reached US$ 6.7 billion, with a total of 760 projects, making China the largest foreign investor in Laos. However, I have noted that the trade between Laos and China has been yet unstable. Therefore, both sides have to work closely to find all good means to increase the trade volume between Laos and China, especially between the northern provinces of Laos and the Yunnan Province of China.”
  She added that, “The parties and governments of Laos and China have agreed and given strong commitment to further enhancing the bilateral relations and cooperation between our two countries in all aspects. The successful launch of Lao Sat-1 satellite and the commencement of the railway project linking China and Laos with other countries in the region are the most remarkable cooperative projects between Laos and China, reflecting an excellent and fruitful cooperation of our two parties and governments based on mutual interests. And tangible benefits have been brought to people of both Laos and China, thus contributing to Laos national development tasks.”
  However, in the past years, more and more Chinese enterprises have begun to invest in Lao PDR, of which some enterprises have made marked progress, but some gained unsatisfactory results. “At present, the number of Chinese companies running business in Laos has been increased significantly. Many of them have been operating business with greater success in the fields of hydropower projects, mining projects, agriculture, service and others, making China the biggest foreign investor in Laos. Nevertheless, there are still some companies that do not pay strictly enough attention to environmental issues while doing business, and this has caused environmental problems and has damaged people’s livelihood,” said Mrs. Vandy.   Given this, she also gave the most valuable suggestions for Chinese enterprises to invest in Laos. “Therefore, we request those companies to pay more attention to the environmental problems and respect the regulations and laws while doing business in Laos. In addition, the companies should also give attention to Laos’s capacity building and poverty eradication tasks. ”
  As ASEAN Chairmanship: Making elaborate preparations
  This year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of ASEAN-China dialogue relations. Mrs. Bouthasavong said, “Since the establishment of the dialogue relations in 1991 (Full Dialogue Partner in 1996), ASEAN-China Cooperation has been gradually widened and deepened in political and security, economy and socio-cultural areas, thus making China become the first dialogue partner of ASEAN to accede to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) in 2003 and become the first strategic partner of ASEAN in the same year; the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) in 2010. China is ASEAN’s largest trading partner, and the first export destination for ASEAN, while ASEAN is China’s third largest trading partner, and the bilateral trade reached US$ 472.2 billion in 2015. In terms of connectivity between ASEAN and China, the two sides have developed and constructed many infrastructure projects such as roads, railways and airports in the region to support and facilitate economic and trade cooperation between ASEAN and China, thus contributing to narrowing down the development gap between ASEAN member states and between ASEAN and other countries.”
  In the meantime, Laos acts as the Chair of ASEAN for 2016. “In 2016 Laos assumes ASEAN Chairmanship for the second time and this year is significant and meaningful since it is the first year of ASEAN becoming a community and embarking on the implementation of its Vision 2025. This is why Lao PDR, as Chair of ASEAN, introduced the theme ‘Turning Vision into Reality for a Dynamic ASEAN Community’. Lao PDR has identified and introduced eight priorities under our chairmanship.” Mrs. Bouthasavong explained them in detail, “Implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025; Narrowing the Development Gap; Trade Facilitation; Small and Medium Enterprises Development; Tourism Development; Connectivity; Transformation from Informal Employment to Formal Employment towards Decent Work Promotion in ASEAN; and Reinforcing Cultural Cooperation in ASEAN are included.”
  Mrs. Bouthasavong also introduced that, throughout the year of ASEAN Chairmanship, Laos would host many important meetings across the three community pillars in Laos, particularly on the economic pillar, including eight action lines: 1) ASEAN Trade Facilitation Agreement; 2) ASEAN Regulatory Framework for Food Safety; 3) ASEAN Framework on Financial Inclusion; 4) Framework on the Establishment of Enabling Environment for SME Establishment and Operation (in the form of work plan); 5) Vientiane Declaration on Sustainable Tourism Development; 6) ASEAN Sustainable Tourism Awards; 7) Framework or Guidelines for Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Development & Collaboration; 8) Master Plan for CLMV Development.
地处中国西南边陲,与越南接壤的崇左市,是中国通往越南等东盟国家的重要门户和最便捷的陆路通道。为了进一步打通从崇左到越南、泰国等东盟国家的陆路黄金通道,为沿边经贸合作、中国—泰国崇左产业园(以下简称中泰产业园)招商引资注入新的活力,2016年10月下旬,广西崇左市市委书记刘有明率领崇左代表团主动到越南、泰国、柬埔寨访问,为双边合作铺平道路。  友好访问的第一站落脚在越南。在越南期间,刘有明书记一行就
2016年10月18日晚间8点19分,当菲律宾总统罗德里戈·杜特尔特的专机抵达北京首都国际机场,这位菲律宾总统上任后,除东盟国家外首访的目的地也终于尘埃落定,他出乎意料又情理之中地选择了中国。  出访前的高调发声、庞大的随行队伍以及中国积极的回应,让杜特尔特总统的这次访华之旅,引发了中国国内以及国际社会的强烈关注。媒体持续报道、专家各抒己见,人们不禁要问,杜特尔特为何而来,菲律宾外交转向背后的原因
马来西亚是第一个与中国建交的东盟国家。建交以来,中马两国积极展开多领域合作,特别是在经贸合作上成绩斐然。目前,马来西亚已连续8年成为中国在东盟国家中最大的贸易伙伴,而中国则连续7年成为马来西亚最大的贸易伙伴。在第13届中国—东盟博览会期间,马来西亚国际贸工部第二部长黄家泉就如何实现中国—东盟贸易更大突破、如何进一步密切两国关系等问题接受了本刊记者的采访。  期待发展海铁联运,实现中国—东盟贸易更大
10月19日,柬埔寨农林渔业部与天睿(柬)农业经贸合作特区在柬埔寨首都金边签署合作备忘录,标志着中国—柬埔寨国家级农业经贸合作项目正式确立。  据了解,天睿(柬)农业经贸合作特区是中柬两国国家农业部共同确认的国家级合作项目,双方将大力支持该项目的建设发展,将合作区共同建设成集研发、培育、种植,到收购、仓储、加工,再到销售、物流、服务等上中下游产业链一体化的“中柬国家级农业经贸合作区”项目。
广西南宁横县六景镇位于南宁市区东面50公里处,地处广西的中心地带,拥有四通八达的交通网络。其中泉南高速、广昆高速、六钦高速交汇于此;湘桂铁路、黎钦铁路穿境而过;同时紧邻郁江航道,南宁港六景港区拥有10个3000吨级港口泊位;距离南宁吴圩国际机场仅有80公里路程。  这里就是南宁六景工业园区的所在地。极佳的区位优势,使之拥有了难得的发展机遇。  2016年,在中国劳动力成本上涨和经济增速放缓等大环境
随着“一带一路”构想的逐步落地,这个全球目前最具发展潜力的经济带日益受到世界各国的关注。保险业如何发挥风险管理和保障功能,为中国企业“走出去”和“一带一路”建设保驾护航也成为了业内热议的话题。  近期,中国太平保险集团有限责任公司集团(以下简称“中国太平”)党委委员、副总经理洪波在接受本刊记者采访时表示,中国太平将全力以赴做大做优境外业务,用精品国际化金融保险服务助力国家经济发展。  紧跟“一带一
近年来,受益于中柬两国政府良好的政治经济关系和中国—东盟博览会在广西的举办,广西对柬埔寨投资呈现爆发式增长,柬埔寨已成为广西企业“走出去”最重要的投资目的地之一。  广西国宏经济发展集团有限公司(以下简称“国宏集团”)作为广西“走出去”的重要平台公司,又是如何深化与柬埔寨的农业合作,参与“一带一路”建设,造福两国人民的呢?就相关问题,本刊记者采访了广西国宏经济发展集团有限公司总理李倩。  大米种源
早在多年前,专家们就开始议论纷纷:中国廉价劳动力大势已去。从那以后,越南便有望取代中国,成为新的世界工厂。越南不但拥有相对低廉的劳动力成本,而且越南政府出台了相应的鼓励政策。当前,越南应高瞻远瞩,而不是单纯照搬中国既有的生产模式。  自中国在制造业方面的优势呈现下滑迹象以来,越南作为世界的新兴市场国家之一,成为海外投资者们眼中的“香饽饽”。过去5年,凭借廉价的劳动力成本和基础设施建设成本这两方面的
“中老两国是山水相连的好邻居;中老两国人民世代友好。”老挝驻华大使万迪·布达萨冯在接受《中国—东盟博览》杂志专访时满怀喜悦地说。  双边关系融洽 合作成果丰硕  2016年是中老建外交55周年,这是中老两国双边关系发展历程中一件具有历史意义的大事。“为了庆祝这一重要历史时刻,中老两国共同回顾了双方友好交往历史和经济合作成果。双边关系不断深化,合作领域不断扩大,为两国人民带来了实实在在的利益。”万迪