国产品牌摊铺机从借鉴进口摊铺机技术,到目前自主研发生产,经历了一个发展演变的过程。随着国内摊铺机技术的日趋成熟,关键零部件的国际化配套,部分国产品牌摊铺机的性能和可靠性的差距已经很小。但不可否认国产品牌摊铺机还与国外品牌摊铺机存在着或多或少的差距,只有正视这种差距, 并尽快跟进,才能去掉国产品牌摊铺机的这块“心病”
Domestic brand pavers learn from the imported paver technology, to now independent research and development production, has undergone a process of development and evolution. With the maturing of domestic paver technology and the international supporting of key components, the gap between the performance and reliability of some domestic brand pavers has been very small. However, it is undeniable that there are more or less disparities between domestic brand pavers and foreign brand pavers. Only facing this gap and following up as soon as possible can we remove the “heart disease” of domestic brand pavers.