纵观 2 0 0 3年全国高考化学卷、上海高考化学卷及全国高考理科综合卷这三份试卷的计算题 (压轴题 ) ,无不体现了淡化繁琐计算 ,着眼于应用技巧进行巧算 ,同时注重科学思想的渗透。其预示着高考计算题的一个发展方向 :即利用图表所给数据进行计算及将化学问题抽象成数学问题 ,
Looking at the calculation questions for the three examination papers of the national college entrance examination chemistry volume, the Shanghai college entrance examination chemistry volume, and the national college entrance examination science composite volume in 2003, all of them embody the descaling and cumbersome calculations and focus on the application of clever calculations. Pay attention to the penetration of scientific thinking. It indicates a direction for the development of the college entrance examination calculation problem: that is, using the data given in the chart to calculate and abstracting chemical problems into mathematical problems.