20 0 2年 3~ 7月 ,我们在全国 5家医院肛肠科对 2 4 8例痔切除病人应用直肠黏膜保护剂—复方角菜酸酯进行治疗。现报道如下。1 资料和方法本组共 2 4 8例 ,其中治疗组 12 3例 ,对照组 12 5例。治疗组和对照组年龄分别为 (4 7.4± 15 .9)岁和 (4 6 .7± 14 3)岁 ,男女比例分
From March to July of 2002, we treated 245 cases of hemorrhoidectomy patients with rectal mucosal protective agent - Compound Carrageenan in 24 anorectal departments of 5 hospitals nationwide. Report as follows now. 1 Materials and Methods This group a total of 244 cases, of which 123 cases of treatment group, control group 125 cases. The treatment group and the control group were (4 7.4 ± 15.9) years old and (46.7 ± 14 3) years old respectively, the male-female ratio