总结禤国维教授辨治儿童斑秃的经验:脾肾不足为核心病机, 以健脾补肾生发为治疗法则;重视调治气血;采用综合治疗, 疗效显著.禤国维教授汲古求新形成了自己的用药特色.“,”This article summarized the experiences of Prof. XUAN Guo-wei in treating pediatric Alopecia Areata (AA) based on syndrome differentiation. Prof. XUAN considered the deficiency of spleen and kidney as the major pathogenesis, and fortify the spleen and supplement the kidney as the main principle of treatment to promote hair growth. It is important to regulated the change of Qi and blood in order to recuperated under medical treatment. Combined therapy will achieve satisfying results. Nourished by the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, Prof. XUAN has developed his own characteristics in applying herbal medicine.