夏季气候特殊,有时连降暴雨,有时阴雨连绵,闷热、潮湿的天气,金鱼容易发生多种病。因此,要使金鱼安全度夏,必须做到“六防”: 一、防污染为确保金鱼夜间安全,每天傍晚都要做一次清洁工作。除清除缸内的余
Summer climate is special, and sometimes heavy rains, and sometimes rainy, hot, humid weather, prone to a variety of goldfish disease. Therefore, in order to make the safety of goldfish summer, we must achieve “six defenses”: First, pollution prevention In order to ensure the safety of goldfish at night, we must do a cleaning work every evening. In addition to removing the remaining cylinder