爸爸妈妈总说我是生活在蜜罐里的蜜蜂,不会采蜜,只会享受,不能理解大人的辛苦。今天我就用行动来向大人证明:我要当一天家,为他们分忧!我的地盘我做主!早上我很早就起床,用过早餐,拿着爸爸给的100元钱,出发!一到菜场,我先来到水产摊位,买大白蟹。“阿姨,这蟹多少钱一斤?”“2 5元一斤,小姑娘。”我撸了下袖子,像模像样挑了起来。“这个称一下。”我挑了一个大大的,很沉很结实。“小姑娘,眼力很好嘛,一斤一两,27元5角。”27元吧,阿姨,找我73元,我递上100元大
Mum and dad always say that I am a bee living in a honeypot. I will not adopt honey and will only enjoy and can not understand the hard work of adults. Today, I used the action to prove to the adults: I want to be a house for them to worry about! My site I call the shots! In the morning I got up very early, had breakfast, took my father gave 100 yuan, departure! Farms, I first came to the aquatic stalls, buy white crabs. “Aunt, how much is this crab a pound? ” “2 5 yuan a pound, little girl.” “I took off the sleeve, like a mold pick up. ”This one said. “ I picked a big, very heavy and strong. ”Little girl, good eyesight Well, a pound 12, 27 yuan 5 angle.“ ”27 yuan, aunt, find me 73 yuan, I handed 100 yuan