一、DC宇宙 DC漫画公司(Detective Comics)创建于1934年。1938年6月,公司在《动作漫画》创刊号上创造出世界上第一位超级英雄——超人,从此改写了美国漫画史。1939年5月,公司在《侦探漫画》第27期上创造出世界上第一位没有超能力的超级英雄——蝙蝠侠。自此超人和蝙蝠侠作为DC的招牌角色,各自拥有自己的连载漫画,也开始了长期搭档,被称为“世界最佳拍档”。
First, DC universe DC Comics Company (Detective Comics) was founded in 1934. In June 1938, the company created the world’s first superhero - Superman in the first issue of Action Comics and has since rewritten the history of American comic books. In May 1939, the company created the world’s first superhero, Batman, in the 27th chapter of Detective Comics. Since then Superman and Batman as the DC’s signature role, each has its own serial comic, also began a long-term partner, known as “the best partner in the world.”