The advent of the new century has also brought about changes in the traditional family happiness, happy marriage concept, “new” changes, domestic violence, “mistresses”, the trio nowadays, and the divorce rate has risen. In this regard, China’s “Marriage Law” introduced the system of compensation for divorce damages, attempting to improve the system of marriage law to adapt to the new situation of the adjustment of the marriage relationship; However, in the practice of civil trial, exposing some issues, the implementation of the trial there are difficulties, the real divorce damages Very few, and ultimately receive compensation is rare. Based on the existing problems of civil trial practice in our country and based on the current system of compensation for damages in divorce in our country, this article analyzes the existing problems in the compensation system of divorce in our country and the practice of civil trial. In view of the existing legal system and trial practice in our country, , Put forward some opinions and suggestions, with a view to China’s divorce damage compensation system for the development and improvement of their own modest.