应从思想工作内、外和中介三个层面去构建立体概念 ,新形势下的思想工作不能停留在点上、面上 ,应在立体空间进行。思想工作的结合是立体结合 ;思想工作行为是立体行为 ;思想工作效应是立体效应 ;思想工作者的素质是立体素质。
The three-dimensional concept should be constructed from the three levels of ideological work, external affairs and agency. Ideological work under the new situation can not stay at the point. On the surface, it should be carried out in a three-dimensional space. Combination of ideological work is a combination of three-dimensional; ideological work behavior is a three-dimensional behavior; ideological work effect is a three-dimensional effect; ideological quality of three-dimensional quality.