表观遗传学是指基因碱基序列在未发生改变的情况下调控基因表达的一门学科,其研究领域主要涉及DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰和非编码RNA,其中DNA甲基化沉默基因的表达是表观遗传学重要的调控机制.DNA甲基化状态受环境因素的影响,而晶状体发育异常及白内障形成由多种致病因素决定,其中包括环境因素.因此,研究DNA甲基化在晶状体发育及白内障形成过程中的作用机制尤为重要.本文就近年来DNA甲基化在晶状体发育、年龄相关性白内障、并发性白内障、后发性白内障发病机制中的作用进行综述,通过对DNA甲基化在上述眼部疾病及晶状体发育过程中作用机制的认识及研究,有望在白内障临床治疗中开辟新的途径.“,”Epigenetics is the study of genomic structural modifications that affects gene expression without DNA sequence change.Epigenetic mechanisms for the regulation of gene expression include DNA methylation,histone modifications,and microRNAs.DNA methylation may contribute to silencing gene expression which is a major mechanism of epigenetic gene regulation.DNA methylation regulatory mechanisms in lens development and pathogenesis of cataract represent exciting areas of research that have opened new avenues for association with aging and environment.This review concludes current understanding of the major mechanisms and function of DNA methylation in lens development,pathogenesis of age-related cataract,secondary cataract and complicated cataract.By understanding the role of DNA methylation in the lens disease and development,it may help to develop a new therapeutic approach to clinical treatment of cataract.