Deus conservat omnia[2](喷泉屋徽标上的题铭)代前言其他人皆已不在,那些人又在更远的……——普希金她第一次来喷泉屋拜访我是在1940年12月27日深夜,还在秋天,她就给我送来过一个小片断(《你从虚无的地方来到俄罗斯》)作为信使。我不曾呼唤过她。我甚至不曾等待过她,在我最后的列宁格勒之冬的那个寒冷而阴郁的日子。在她莅临之前,发生过几件微不足道的小事,我不敢称它们为事件。那一晚,我写下了第一部(《一九一三》)中的两小节和《献辞》。一月初,出乎我自己意料,我写出了《硬币的背面》,而在塔什干(分两次)写出了作为第三部的《尾声》,还对前两部进行了重要的增补。
Deus conservat omnia [2] (Predecessor of the fountain house logo) Preface Other people are no longer, those people are farther ... ... - Pushkin her first visit to the fountain house I was in December 1940 She sent me a small piece (“You came to Russia from nothingness”) as messenger at midnight on the 27th and still in the autumn. I have never called her. I did not even wait for her, on the cold, gloomy days of my last Winter of Leningrad. Before she came, there were a few trivial things that I could not call them events. That night, I wrote down the two sections of the first (1913) and “Give Your Word.” In early January, to my surprise, I wrote “the back of the coin,” while in Tashkent (in two separate chapters) I wrote the third edition “The End,” adding important additions to the first two.