This paper introduced first a conceptual framework of“information literacy training of farmers”based on the widely recognized understanding of the term“information literacy(IL).”It then followed with a discussion based on these three authors’field investigation regarding to Hubei peasants’current information literacy training in such perspectives as information consciousness,information ability and ways and means of information access.It concluded by pointing out some of the more apparent factors that had adverse impacts on the farmers’information literacy training in central China and suggested a few possible remedial measures to guide the course for those who are involved in such undertakings.
This paper introduced first a conceptual framework of “information literacy training of farmers ” based on the widely recognized understanding of the term “information literacy (IL). ” It then followed with a discussion based on these three authors’field investigation regarding to Hubei peasants’current information literacy training in such perspectives as information consciousness, information ability and ways and means of information access. It has been pointed out pointing out some of the more apparent factors that had adverse impact on the farmers’ information literacy training in central China and suggested a few may remedial measures to guide the course for those who are involved in such undertakings.