杏树的夏季修剪就是在生长季节进行修剪。目前在实践中应用不多三要原因 是完成 修剪时 间很短,而且要有大量的熟练工人。但坚持杏树夏季修剪,可以有一个连年高产的良好树势,获得事半功倍的效果,提高产量、增加效益。夏季修剪应根据树龄、时间、修剪目的等因素来确定方法。
Summer pruning of the apricot is done during the growing season. At present, in practice, not more than three reasons to complete the pruning time is very short, but also have a large number of skilled workers. However, adhere to the pruning of apricot in summer, you can have a good year after year of high yield trees, get a multiplier effect, increase production and increase efficiency. Summer pruning should be based on age, time, pruning purposes and other factors to determine the method.