为了解紫癜性肾炎(APN)临床特点和长期预后,将其145例及随访36例作以临床分析. 资料和方法近8年收住过敏性紫癜(AP)364例,蒙古族88例,汉族269例;其中APN 145例(39.8%),男71例、女74例,平均年龄(10.36±2.29)岁。A?
To understand the clinical features and long-term prognosis of purpura nephritis (APN), 145 cases and 36 cases were followed up for clinical analysis. Materials and Methods 364 cases of allergic purpura (AP), 88 cases of Mongolian and 269 cases of Han were admitted in the recent 8 years. 145 cases (39.8%) were APN, including 71 males and 74 females, with an average age of 10. 36 ± 2.29) years old. A?