In this paper, 5 cases of infantile systemic cytomegalovirus inclusions (CID) autopsy sections were observed and 1 case of esophageal immunohistochemical staining, found in all cases of blood vessels can be seen inside and outside of CMV infected cells (CIC), thus demonstrating The so-called CMV dissemination of blood contains essentially the process of intravascular dissemination and extravascular spread of vascular endothelial cells in CMV hematogenous dissemination in the role of discussed from CMV infected endothelial cells (CIEC) and Intracellular free-infected CMV cells (FCIC) all showed a positive reaction to UEA-1 and a negative reaction to a series of mononuclear-phagocytic monoclonal antibodies (LCA, AAT, AACT, LYS, CIEC.