For Chinese-English dictionaries written by “amateurs” such as the missionaries who came to China in the 19th century and diplomats in China, there is still no objective understanding and evaluation in the domestic academic circles. On the one hand, there are doubts about the amateur proficiency in Chinese. On the other hand, They criticize the scientific and planning of their dictionary more criticized. However, if these Chinese-English dictionaries are reexamined in the historical and cultural background at the time, using the achievements of modern dictionaries to avoid their rear-view perspective may lead to a new understanding of the Chinese dictionaries compiled by the Amateur. This article reviews the birth of Chinese-English bilingual dictionaries in the 19th century and the three most important Chinese-English dictionaries. It concludes that the early Chinese-English bilingual dictionaries have the following three design features: 1) they are all personal practices of “amateurs” 2) are bilingual dictionaries, not diacritical dictionaries; 3) there is a pedigree relationship between dictionaries.